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Noble Dragon (The Elven-Trinity Book 2)

  Noble Dragon

  The Elven-Trinity Book 2

  Mark Albany

  Mark Albany

  Copyrighted Material.

  NOBLE DRAGON Copyright (c) 2018 by Mark Albany. Book design and layout copyright (c) 2018 by Mark Albany. This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are product’s of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission from Mark Albany.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  About the Author


  I hope you enjoy this book. It is strictly for adults, but if you are 18+ and enjoy the read, come join me and two other authors in our Facebook group, HAREM NATION.

  We look forward to discussing our books with you!


  My eyes closed, I tried not to listen to Aliana telling me to make the magic come, but to simply do it.

  As I attempted to reach into myself and find this special place where I could access my magic, my mind was flooded with all that had happened. All I had learned. Vis killing my parents, using me for… Something. He had used me, that much wasn’t up for dispute. Selectively training me in the different kinds of magic, restricting my access to other ways that would allow me to use my power since they would make me difficult to control and use. I wasn’t sure why he’d done what he’d done, or even how he’d found out about me. The only thing I knew was that Cyron was the key to not only finding Vis, but also to finding out why they’d come for me in the first place.

  Motherfucker. The thought allowed me to get a surge of magic, but not enough for it to do anything other than send a tingling through my limbs. I tried to focus on this energy, but it did no good.

  “Focus,” she said. I opened my eyes in frustration. The sight of her, however, quickly made that sensation vanish.

  She stepped toward me, horns glowing red to match the dim glow of red from the lights shining through her tattered wings. Such beauty. It was still hard to believe she was into me, that she was eyeing me with as much passion and longing as I felt for her. Well, maybe that was impossible, but close.

  A sudden pop sounded and the magic burst forth. A bit of light, but nothing more.

  “That’ll do for now.” Her hand took mine, leading me away. “Maybe you need some inspiration?”

  What came next was a blur. Clothes falling off, her hands caressing my skin, mine finding her, taking her breasts, her ass… Bodies moving as one. She rocked her hips into mine, slowly lowering herself onto me and licking her lips.

  “Fuck… please… hard…”

  My fingers gripped her thighs hard enough to leave prints on her skin for a few hours after. She didn’t seem to mind, though. Her eyes were shut, hands reaching up to grip the sheets above her head as she lay on her back, one leg propped up on my shoulder as the other wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer, heel hooking into my hip and dragging me closer to her as I stood beside the bed.

  I did as she asked, giving the gentler, softer thrusts a break as I pushed myself inside her hard enough for my balls to slap her ass, reaching out to grab her breasts which were bouncing heavily each time I pushed myself in. I felt her walls tightening around my cock more and more until she gasped, her eyes bulging as her back arched, pressing her breast into my hand. I could feel her warm cum coating my shaft as her body shuddered with pleasure, sending ripples of it through mine. She finally pushed herself up to lean on her hands, giving her wings a bit of room to stretch and flutter as she stared at me with a coy grin, biting her bottom lip as she ran a single finger down my chest.

  “Why is it,” I asked, still short of breath but not done with her by a damn mile, “that every time we practice my magical abilities, I end up balls deep inside you?”

  “Sex is a way to renew your magical abilities,” Aliana said, her hand drifting down between us, her fingers cradling and massaging my balls gently as I remained buried inside her. “Your mind is both your greatest weapon and greatest curse, and usually gets in the way of unlocking your truest potential. I’ve found sex is the best way to do away with all that. It helps that I’m almost as insatiable as you are.”

  I smiled and groaned as her body tightened around me for a moment as a jolt of pleasure rushed through both of us.

  “Mmm, would you look at that?” Aliana asked. “Looks like I’ve made a bit of a mess down here.”

  “Agreed,” I said, licking my lips. “Looks like you need to clean it up.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Aliana said with a grin, moving away, pulling my cock out of her slowly like she dreaded being parted from it. Once we were apart, though, she was quick to flip over onto her stomach, wings fluttering excitedly as she leaned in, wrapping both her hands around my cock, still wet from her pussy, running her tongue over it from the base to the head before taking the latter between her lips, sucking me into her. I closed my eyes, moaning in time with her as one hand settled on the back of her head, toying with her horns before threading through her hair, curling behind her head to bob it over my cock. My other hand drifted down over her bare back, running slowly down the middle of it, following her spin and feeling her wings beating gently in time with her head’s movements.

  As my hand glided back up my eyes caught a glimmer of movement out of the corner of them. Norel had slipped in without drawing our attention. Not that great a feat, I mused, since both of us were rather occupied at the moment. Still, I couldn’t help the way my eyes seemed to flow to her watching us, watching as her breathing picked up pace, her breasts pressing harder at the tight confines of her dress. She saw me looking at her, but didn’t bother to hide her own admiration. I could feel her eyes running over my naked chest, following all the way down to where Aliana’s head was moving faster, picking up the pace. There was even some admiration for her sister, I realized as my mouth dropped open.

  A surge of pleasure rushed through my body as my hips bucked hard, pushing forward, feeling myself cum into Aliana’s mouth through her deep, pleasured moans. She reached out, grabbing my ass and holding me in place as she sucked me dry, doing as she promised and cleaning up after herself in the meantime.

  After a while, she pulled away with a contented sigh, licking and smacking her lips. She turned to face Norel like she’d known the woman was there the entire time.

  Norel tilted her head. “Why is it that whenever I find the two of you together, I always find you with your lips around our newly-appointed Varion’s cock, Ali?”

  Aliana grinned unabashedly, resting her head on the bed and pulling my hand down to stroke her hair. “You would be too, if you knew how good it tasted. Besides, you know that sex is one of the ways to help unlock and renew power like his.”

  “One of many, many ways,” Norel said with a knowing smile. “
But it is nice to see you abiding by the method that proves enjoyable for both of you.”

  I cleared my throat, picking up my clothes from where they had been tossed a short time past. “How can we help you, Norel? Or did you just hear us fucking and decide to watch?”

  “In your dreams,” Norel said, though the red that spread across her face betrayed her words. Maybe her dreams, too? “I just came to see how your training is coming along. You were given a title and critical role to fill soon after the fight with Cyron and the golem, Grant, and are expected to work on keeping it. Considering that you already set the proverbial bar rather high in what we all did in our first encounter with Cyron, the small group of nobles that have assembled to do what is right to keep the Empire from falling into ruin have high expectations of their new Varion. I really hope you don’t disappoint them.”

  “You’re such a spoilsport, Nor,” Aliana said, rolling over to the side of the bed. Her clothes had been torn off, meaning she would have to hunt more down. I wondered if she would pick out something similar to what she had been wearing. Barely clothes, just something to cover her breasts and midsection.

  She decided to give up on clothes for the moment, preferring to remain in bed.

  “Well, I guess it’s safe to say that training is done for today,” I said, pulling my trousers on and smiling at Norel.

  “Care to give a demonstration of your technique then?” Norel asked.

  I extended my hand. Ever since the night when runes had been burned into my skin while fighting an obsidian hellhound, I’d found it a lot easier to focus and bring out my power, where in the past it had seemed reluctant. The scars were barely there anymore and yet, when I pulled my power out, they glowed like the runes I saw on Aliana’s skin when she used her powers.

  The door to my room opened and swung on its hinges after less than a second of suggestion.

  “Technique is almost flawless,” Norel said with a small, approving nod. “You just need to focus on the flow a bit more. You almost tore the door off the hinges, there. If you don’t learn to keep your power on a leash you could end up killing someone you’re trying to help. Maybe even yourself.”

  “I’ll work on that,” I said with a small, affirmative nod.

  “Good,” Norel said, giving her sister another look before moving toward the open door. “I expect your powers to have improved a good deal further than just being able to open a door. I’d hate for that to be the extent of what you can do.”

  She smiled, taking the moment to show off her abilities as she flicked her fingers, causing the door to close behind her.

  I smirked, turning to look over to Aliana, who was lying on her stomach on the bed, though propping herself up on her elbows to give me a good view of her breasts as she tilted her head, her wings moving slowly above her as she watched me.

  “Well?” she asked as I moved back to the bed.

  “Well, what?” I replied, sitting down next to her.

  “How long do you think she’s going to wait for an invitation to join us?” Aliana asked, moving closer and laying her head on my lap, running her fingers idly over my bare chest.

  “I wasn’t aware that she was anticipating one,” I said, tracing my fingers over her horns, following the markings on them. They looked like they could have been runes, but none that I recognized.

  “I have so much to teach you,” Aliana groaned, placing a light kiss on my stomach. “And not just about magic.”

  “I think I can go again, if you will have me?” I asked, running my fingers down her back to give her ass a firm smack. She squealed and giggled.

  “I can see that,” she murmured with a grin, pulling herself up to straddle my lap. “Feel that, even. Be gentle with me, though. I’m still sore.”

  One of my eyes opened, looking around in the darkness. Something was poking me, trying to wake me up. The uncovered window showed me that the sun was starting to rise, but the world was still dark for now, meaning it was far too early to be waking up.

  My hand snapped around out of reflex, seeing movement and speeding to intercept it. My fingers wrapped around a hand, much smaller than my own, gripping at the wrist. I twisted when the hand kept on moving toward me, until I heard a small, muffled shriek.

  “My hand!” Norel squealed.

  “You woke me up,” I hissed in response, pulling myself up into a sitting position before letting her hand go. “What’s the matter?”

  Norel didn’t answer immediately, rubbing her wrist. “They want to speak with you. The circle of nobles I told you about. Something’s happened and they need their Varion.”

  I nodded. Now was not the time to be playfully grumpy about still needing a few more hours of sleep. I just wished I’d had the good sense to realize that before wasting time.

  “Let me get dressed and I’ll be right there with you,” I said.

  She smiled, rising from her crouched position and moving back toward the door, left open this time.

  I took a moment, breathing deep and stilling my shaking hands before slipping out of bed. I was as ready as I would ever be, but there was still that moment of introspection, trying to realize that this was really happening.

  I nudged Aliana gently. She moaned and growled, apparently as unwilling to wake up as I was. We had both had something of a late night, although we had nobody to blame but ourselves.

  She finally pulled herself out of bed, although she didn’t get dressed. The presence of a djinn in the city was something we all agreed needed to remain under wraps for the moment. Cyron’s attempt at a coup had caused enough of a stir. Any more and the people of the city would start a riot.

  I dressed quickly. I’d discarded my servant’s robes soon after arriving at Norel’s estate, switching out drab and grey for blacks and whites. Trousers of dark flax with light leather boots of matching color; a soft, pale white shirt; and over it all a thick coat of dark red. It was thick enough that it could be used as light armor in pressing circumstances, and Norel told me that a handful of lower-level wards had been applied to help in protecting against attacks.

  As I started moving through the halls, winding my way through Norel’s maze, I found that I was headed toward the courtyard. Whomever it was that Norel was having us meet, it was outside of her estate.

  Horses had been arranged for us, and I lightly jumped onto one of the less-threatening mares. I had learned to ride, but there had never been much call for it from someone who was expected to walk everywhere so I didn’t want to ride one of those massive battle mounts until I had at least gotten a better grasp of the skill.

  There weren’t too many people on the roads, making for a quick trip through the streets. We soon reached the manor of one of the lesser nobles in the gentry, one who had been annoyed by Cyron’s actions but powerless to act until we arrived. Servants quickly moved forward to escort our horses to the stables while others guided us into the manor itself.

  I caught sight of Norel gesturing and whispering a quick and subtle spell. When she saw I’d noticed, she smirked.

  “For Ali,” she said, simply. I needed no further hints. Aliana would be reaching us through a portal into a manor that was likely warded against it. While there weren’t many wards that could keep Aliana’s powers out, it was best not to rely on assumptions at this stage.

  We moved into a dining hall. A long, oaken table was set up, along with a dozen or so chairs, most of which were currently occupied by various nobles and members of the Emperor’s council. The table was laden with all manner of food and drink, but none of the men were eating and only a handful were sipping wine, probably to calm their nerves.

  Judging by their sour expressions, something had gone wrong. Spectacularly so.

  As Norel and I took our seats, I could feel a shift in the energy of the room. It was gentle, almost completely unnoticeable, but it had a familiar feeling, similar to when I was about to step into one of Aliana’s portals.

  “She is here,” Norel leaned over to whisper
in my ear as one of the nobles stood.

  “Thank you all for coming,” the man said in a deep, booming voice. He wasn’t particularly tall, but his broad shoulders and thick, black beard made me wonder how long his family had been a part of the gentry. He seemed to be the leader of this small circle, at any rate.

  “News has reached our ears from beyond the borders of the Empire,” he continued, brushing a speck of dust from his rich velvet doublet. “Disturbing news of bloodshed and destruction to the west. Mages in the area have detected unusual methods of magical power being used, the likes of which they have not seen before. I know the people there are prone to drink, but all things considered, I do not believe we can afford to look away from this. News of a dark entity rising there just as we begin to hear faint whispers of the same cannot go uninvestigated.”

  I felt a soft mental connection between myself and someone not in the room. Aliana was reaching out to me, telling me it was time to go. I looked over to see that Norel had received the same message, although the woman looked more annoyed than concerned.

  Even so, Norel rose to her feet. A lull fell over those assembled as they tried to digest the news. “We can conduct some rudimentary investigations from here, and should the need arise, dispatch our Varion to add depth to the matter.”

  “Of course, my lady,” the man said, nodding his head in deference. “I have had my secretary write up all the details relevant to the situation, as well as a roughly-drawn map showing where the incidents were supposed to have occurred. At your leisure, although I do not think I have to remind you that time is of the essence.”